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Kre-Alkalyn PRO 60 kapseln

Bewertung 4/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 2)

All American Efx Kre-Alkalyn PRO 60 kapseln

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All American Efx - Kre-Alkalyn - IAFSTORE.COM

All American Efx - Kre-Alkalyn - IAFSTORE.COM



Kre-Alkalyn® EFX PRO a very novel concept in creatine supplementation. It supplies your muscles with energy for more intense training while giving you pinpoint focus, alertness and intense drive. It‘s powered by Kre-Alkaloid™, a new "super compound" developed by All American EFX. This unique formula synergistically supercharges your muscle cells while simultaneously activating targeted areas of your brain.

Kre-Alkalyn® EFX PRO is the result of creatine research that was commissioned and partially undertaken by All American EFX to investigate how its effects could be amplified, leading to a much more pronounced overall experience.

Their research discovered that creatine supplementation, when combined with a physiological degree of adrenergic stimulation by the special Kre-Alkaloid® matrix, facilitates muscle creatine trapping (elevates the concentration of creatine locked inside muscle cells). This enhances performance even further than supplementing with only simple creatine. These findings have resulted in a new ground-breaking product now known worldwide as Kre-Alkalyn® EFX PRO.

Any one of these important benefits could mean the difference between winning and losing... or making gains versus remaining stuck on a plateau. Most important is how well the special active Kre-Alkaloid® matrix works in combination with Kre-Alkalyn®. The ultimate test is that it must work the very first time you use it. That means the effects must be noticeable in helping maximize your training. And that‘s exactly what you get with Kre-Alkalyn® EFX PRO - results right now!


1. pH-Xact™ Delivery Technology: Ensures optimal bio-availability of our formulas by giving them the precise pH levels necessary to rapidly shuttle nutrients to the bloodstream with maximum potency. Remember, it's not how much you take, it‘s how much you absorb!

2. Kre-Alkalyn® EFX: The only multi-patented "pH-protected" creatine in the world. Kre-Alkalyn® EFX is manufactured with "buffering" agents that raise its pH to 12. Tests show that a pH of 12 protects its creatine molecules from stomach acids and delivers them to the muscles at full potency.

3. Kre-Alkaloid™: This NEW powerhouse compound is derived from the alkaloids of 3 specific teas (carefully chosen from over 3,000 sources around the word). These alkaloids are blended together into a proprietary matrix, creating a much more powerful energy source. Kre-Alkalyn® EFX molecules are then synthesized with this alkaloid matrix to create a highly potent hybrid.

4. Buchi Analytical: This seal is our product testing guarantee. Look for it on our full range of AAEFX physique and performance products. You deserve to have complete confidence that our products are 100% legit.

5. BioCeuticals Research & Development: An independent lab fully screens our products for 16 banned substances down to parts per billion...and some down to parts per trillion!

60 kapseln
Supplement Facts
Dosierung 1 Kapsel

Portionen pro Packung 60

Menge pro Portion % DV
Kre-Alkaloid™ 1,275mg
Eine proprietäre Mischung aus: Kre-Alkalyn ® (1.200 Mg Buffered Kreatin-Monohydrat) Bound To Black Tea-Extrakt, Grüner Tee Extrakt, Weißer Tee Extrakt (75 mg standardisiert auf Koffein und Alkaloide)
† Tageswert (DV) nicht bekannt
Weitere Inhaltsstoffe:
Gelatine, Magnesiumstearat, Kieselerde, Calcium Phosphate

Warnhinweise: Befragen Sie einen Arzt, bevor Sie dieses Produkt einnehmen, wenn Sie unter einer Herzkrankheit, Angina pectoris, Herzrhythmusstörungen, Bluthochdruck oder anderen Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen leiden oder es in Ihrer Familie eine entsprechende Vorgeschichte gibt. Nicht während der Schwangerschaft oder Stillzeit einnehmen. Sportler sollten vor der Verwendung ihren zuständigen Verband konsultieren. Sportler, die Dopingkontrollen unterliegen, sollten dieses Produkt nicht verwenden. Der Anwender übernimmt sämtliche Risiken, Haftungen und Konsequenzen, die sich aus einer Kontrolluntersuchung ergeben. Nicht für Personen unter 18 Jahren geeignet. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Diese Aussagen sind nicht von der amerikanischen Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde überprüft worden. Dieses Produkt erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Diagnose, Behandlung, Heilung oder Prävention von Krankheit

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