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X Protein Iso Whey + Concentrate 750 gramm

Bewertung 4/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)
Kundenrezensionen: 1

Bio Extreme X Protein Iso Whey + Concentrate 750g.

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
BIO EXTREME X Protein Iso Whey + Concentrate
PROTEIN ISO is a dietary supplement in powdered whey-milk protein isolate obtained through the process of cross-flow microfiltration (Cross Flow Micro-filtred) and whey proteins of the milk (whey) concentrate obtained by ultrafiltration.
Serving Size
Energy value
99,03Kcal (413,98Kj)
396,12Kcal (1655,92Kj)
Proteins 20,50 g 82 g
1,87 g 7,48 g
Fat 1 g 4 g
Sugar 0 g 0 g
Typical amino acid profile    
L-Alanine 500 mg 2000 mg
L-Arginine 300 mg 1200 mg
Acid L-Aspartic 36500 mg 14600 mg
L-Cisteina 500 mg 2000 mg
Acid L-Glutamic 4100 mg 16400 mg
L-Glicin 375 mg 1500 mg
L-Istidine 750 mg 3000 mg
L-Isoleucine 2525 mg 10100 mg
L-Leucine 1875 mg 7500 mg
L-Lisine 500 mg 2000 mg
L-Methyonin 525 mg 2100 mg
L-Fenilalanin 750 mg 3000 mg
L-Proline 725 mg 2900 mg
L-Serine 812,5 mg 32500 mg
L-Treonine 812,5 mg 32500 mg
L-Triptofan 375 mg 1500 mg
L-Tirosine 675 mg 2700 mg
L-Valine 775 mg 3100 mg
*RDA: Recommended Daily Allowance

Ingredients: Whey protein isolated by cross-flow microfiltration (CFM), ultrafiltered milk protein concentrate (containing: lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, lactalbumin, and immune globulin), sweetener: sucralose and acesulfame K, to taste chocolate: Cocoa powder, natural flavors, for other flavors: natural flavors.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.

Kundenrezensionen (1)

Bewertungen von Kunden, die das Produkt gekauft haben, sind mit "verifizierter Kauf" gekennzeichnet.
Ottimo prodotto!! consigliato....…
von ID Benutzer 12859 am 10/10/2011
Ottimo prodotto!! consigliato.... si scioglie all'istante+ gusto cacao gradevole...
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