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Schlinge Orbit Express 11cm polished

Bewertung 4/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

CAMP Quickdraw Orbit Express 11CM Polished Quickdraws (carabiners) Vielseitig verwendbar für Klettern und Bergsteigen; 11cm, 94g.

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Modell: CAMP Schlinge Orbit Express 11cm polished
Code: 125401

Vielseitig verwendbar für Klettern und Bergsteigen.

Verfügbar mit Schlingen unterschiedlicher Längen und polierten oder farbigen Orbit-Karabinern.

The best selling multipurpose key locking carabiner perfect for snag free climbing and cleaning on sport and traditional routes.
Carabiners: Orbit 22kN.
Pack of 5 units.
Length: 11cm.
Weight: 94gr.

Carabiners have always been a strongpoint among CAMP products. This product line has been constantly characterized by innovations and progress: from the introduction of the alloys applied in aeronautics, to the design and development of a really complete range and, last but not least, to the lightness records, a concrete plus for all those who are bound to carrying a lot of these tinkling devices on and with them. This year too, C.A.M.P. sets the pace with the launch of the Photon carabiner, a project started in 2005 with Nano Wire and later with Nano 23 carabiner which, thanks to its reduced weight (only 23 g), is still something that "has never been seen before". The Photon's aim was to maintain the weight under the 30 g threshold, without reducing the body's size - and the goal was reached: the wire gate version weighs 29 g and its open gate strength is 9 kN. The Photon carabiner is the best product in the climbing category, while Nano 23 remains the best solution for alpine traditional activities. The Photon family is rounded off by the Photon's Bet Lock version and screw version, and is bound to become a real reference point for the international climbing market.


CAMP Quickdraw: 5 Orbit Express 11CM Polished

CAMP Rinvii: 5 Orbit Express 11CM Lucido


CAMP Karabiners


List (click to enlarge)

camp moschettoni carabiners

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