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The Supreme Push-Up Swivel Action Grips

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

EVERLAST FITNESS The Supreme Push-Up Swivel Action Grips EX4445BK Working with these push up action grips will help make your muscles stronger. Online sale fitness accessories.

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The Supreme Push-Up Swivel Action Grips


Article code: EX4445BK

Details: Being active at home is an easy way to get your dose of healthy activity: 150 active minutes spread throughout the week will help keep your heart healthy and your muscles strong. Activities which make you feel warmer, breathe harder and make your heart beat faster than usual, will help to keep your heart healthy. You should still be able to carry on a conversation whilst you work. Working with these push up action grips will help make your muscles stronger. The Supreme Push-Up has a swivel action grip design. This unique feature naturally rotates your arms as you do push-ups to engage more muscles and reduce joint strain. Build upper body strength and definition. Ergonomic comfort handles for comfort and joint ease. Tough reinforced construction for long lasting durability. 360 degree ball bearings make swivel action smooth and effective. Fitness guide included.

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