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Ice Piton Helix Speedy 20

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Grivel Ice Piton/Screw with quickdraw Helix Speedy 20 IS260*20 Speedy is a quickdraw specifically for ice screws designed to simplify manoeuvres of placement and removal, safely without losing the screw.

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Model: Grivel Ice Piton/Screw with quickdraw Helix Speedy 20
Code: IS260*20

-Faster as it’s ready to thread the rope.
-Lighter than a traditional quickdraw.
-Compact on harness
-Safer as you can’t lose the ice screw

Speedy is a quickdraw specifically for ice screws designed to simplify manoeuvres of placement and removal, safely without losing the screw.
It consists of a shackel rotating freely on the tube, a sling in highly resistant Dyneema and a carabiner.
There’s a weight reduction of 15% compared to the traditional screw plus quickdraw and double carabiner.
With Speedy the climber can set up a self belay by attaching the rope after only a few turns of the screw and then finish screwing in safely.
As the carabiner hangs perpendicular to the ice it’s easy to thread the rope with the carabiner facing in the right direction.
The generously sized carabiner makes it easy to use with winter gloves.
The point of force is right up against the ice and follows the screw’s length.
The ridge on the tube keeps Speedy in the right position avoiding whiplash in case of an abrupt jerk and stops the quickdraw slipping down the tube during placement.
Speedy lets the climber remove the screw without unthreading the rope so it’s impossible to lose the screw, once out of the ice it can easily be attached to the harness.
This has a strategically placed ring so that the carabiner can be hooked up to the harness during transport so it doesn’t get in the way. The carabiner is then freed up on inserting the rope.
Quickdraw length: 20cm

Screw Helix
Grivel’s easiest ice screw.
Easy to get the first bite in the ice thanks to its symmetrical grip.
Easy to screw in thanks to the handle on the grip.
Easy to attach a carabiner thanks to the shape of the ring.
Easy to carry on the rack with a carabiner, even several at a time. You’ll find that Helix has all the fantastic qualities usually found in a Grivel screw, the ones that have made them famous worldwide and the reference in ice screws. The huge technological capacity and large quantities of production allow Grivel to offer a high quality product at an extremely competitive price. You won’t find anything else on the market with the same quality/cost ratio.


Size of Helix:
Size S: 120mm

Size M: 160mm

Size L:  200mm



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