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Steigeisen Air-Tech Light new-matic

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Grivel Crampons Air-Tech Light new-matic RA732A02 Light version, alloy. A new generation of crampons. Ten points in contact with ice while you’re walking, 12 that bite into the slope during traverses. 455g.

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Model: Grivel Steigeisen Crampons Air-Tech Light new-matic
Code: RA732A02
The combination of extremely strong and sophisticated materials, together with Grivel’s advanced technology lie behind the realisation of this crampon, which leaves all the other models on the market far behind. Ten points in contact with ice while you’re walking and twelve that bite into the slope during traverses.
The last two front points are Bi-angular to maintain bite when descending or traversing sideways. Even the soles of the most modern boots are perfectly covered. Designed for ski touring, competitive ski mountaineering, classical mountaineering routes and for high altitude or distant expeditions where weight is the determining factor. The model comes with the Flex bar, which allows the foot free movement without over stressing the crampon.

Weight: 455g (590 with antibott)
Points: 10-12

Size range 35-46

light alloy

antibott included

CE EN 893

Binding: New-Matic
An evolution of the Cramp-O-Matic system which utilises the C-O-M rear bale and lever. The plastic harness system is hinged from two front posts which retain the boot securely even if it has a shallow, worn front welt or overboots are being used. It is a simple and efficient binding, being far more versatile than the original Cramp-O-Matic style. Made in dual-component plastic: the black part is stronger, bearing the strain whilst the yellow part is softer, increasing adherence to the boot. The harness is made from the strongest, most durable plastic available -Zytel DuPont, which was developed for the manufacture of alpine ski bindings. Obviously it cannot last forever, so please, after long and severe use replace the harness the same way you would resole trekking boots or rock climbing shoes.



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