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Seilklemme belay device Duck + Oval Screw Karabiner Blau

Bewertung 3/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 2)

Kong Seilklemme belay device Duck + carabiner Oval Screw 888.SET001 Neue Steigklemme für Notsituationen DUCK. Die Steigklemme DUCK ist für Einfachseile mit einem Durchmesser von 8 bis 13mm verwendbar. DUCK ist die erste Steigklemme auf der Welt welche auch auf Bändern oder genähten Bandschlingen

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Modell: Kong Seilklemme belay device Duck + carabiner Oval Screw
Code: 888.SET001
Neue Steigklemme für Notsituationen DUCK. Die Steigklemme DUCK ist für Einfachseile mit einem Durchmesser von 8 bis 13mm verwendbar. DUCK ist die erste Steigklemme auf der Welt welche auch auf Bändern oder genähten Bandschlingen von einer Breite von 10 bis 15mm funktioniert. (nicht zum Progressionsklettern zertifi ziert). Die Dimensionen wurden so reduziert, dass es einfach ist die Klemme mit einer Hand zu bedienen und zu setzen. Im Karabinerloch kann auch ein Schraubkarabiner vollständig gedreht werden. DUCK wurde als Rettungs und Notsteigklemme konzipiert, speziell für schnelle Rückzüge, Rettungsoperationen oder um die Bandschlinge in der Länge zu regulieren.

Emergency belay device, it works on ropes and tapes!
Made in light alloy, only 70g. Included : carabiner OVAL SCREW.

1 - Informative note on CE certified KONG products conforming to the 89/686/EEC Directive
Users must carefully read and understand the informative note and instructions for use before using the product. Warning: rock and ice-climbing, double-cord descent, klettersteig, speleology, alpine skiing, canoeing, exploration, rescue work and working at heights are all highly dangerous with possibilities of even lethal accidents. Train yourself to use this article and make sure you fully understand how it works, if you have any doubts, don't run any risks and ask. Remember that this article may be used by qualified skilled persons only, and that you are personally responsible for getting to know and understand this article, how to use it and safety measures to be taken, and that you alone are solely and totally liable for all damages, injuries or death eventually incurred by you or third parties from using all KONG S.p.A. products, of any whatsoever kind. Avoid using this article if you are not able to undertake this responsibility and take these risks.

2 - General information
2.1 - Carry out all the checks described in the specific "instructions for use" for all the products, before use and be particularly sure that the article is:
• in top condition and working correctly,
• suited for the use you intend to make of it: use the techniques shown without crosses only, all other usage is absolutely forbidden: Beware of death!
2.2 - Immediately replace the product if you have any doubts as to its safety and efficiency. Do not use the product after falling into space as its strength could be considerably impaired by eventual invisible breakage or deformations inside. Incorrect use, mechanical deformation, equipment accidentally dropped from a height, wear, chemical contamination, exposure to heat above normal climatic conditions (max 100°C for purely metallic articles and max. 50°C for articles with parts in fabric), are just some examples of other reasons possibly reducing, limiting and even terminating the service life of the article.
2.3 - Users are responsible for using this article correctly.
2.4 - This article may be used in combination with individual protective devices conforming to the 89/686/EEC Directive, compatibly with relevant instructions for use.
2.5 - The resistance or not of natural anchorages in the rocks is not automatically guaranteed, it is therefore essential that users carefully judge for themselves beforehand to ensure adequate protection.
2.6 - For safety's sake, with systems blocking a fall it is essential to:
• always place the anchorage point above the user, where possible,
• use a complete safety belt,
• carry out work with the intent of reducing potential falls and relevant heights to a minimum.
2.7 - The anchorage position is essential for safely blocking a fall:
carefully judge the height of the fall, length of cord and "pendulum" effect to avoid all possible obstacles (e.g. ground, articles scraping against the rocks, etc.).
2.8 - Your life depends on the continual efficiency of your equipment (we thoroughly recommend personal use of equipment) and how it is kept (use, storage, controls, etc.). We strongly recommend having pre and post-use controls carried out by a qualified person. An accurate overhaul by a manufacturer's qualified technician at least once a year is also recommended. The user is responsible for recording and conserving the information given in the "Record" table together with the instructions.
2.9 - KONG S.p.A. shall not be held liable in any way for damages, injuries or death caused by:
improper use, changes made to product, repairs by non-authorized persons or use of non-original spare parts.
2.10 - No special precautions should be taken for transportation, do however avoid contact with chemical reagents or other corrosive substances and protect all the pointed, sharp parts adequately.
Warning: never leave your equipment in cars parked in the sun!
2.11 - Warning: it is compulsory for dealers to have these instructions for use translated for products sold in countries other than those selected by KONG S.p.A.

3 - Maintenance and storage
No particular maintenance has to be done by the user, the article just has to be cleaned and lubricated, as explained below. 3.1 - Cleaning: frequently rinse the product under lukewarm fresh water (max. 40°C), eventually adding a delicate detergent (neutral soap). Leave it to dry naturally away from direct sources of heat.
3.2 - Lubrication: frequently lubricate the moving parts with silicone based oil. Avoid contact between oil and fabric parts. This operation must be done after cleaning and thoroughly drying.
3.3 - Disinfection: submerge the product for an hour in lukewarm water adding disinfectant containing salts of quaternary ammonium, then rinse under fresh water, dry and lubricate.
3.4 - Storage: after cleaning, drying and lubricating store the equipment loosely in a dry, cool, dark (avoid U.V. rays), chemically neutral (absolutely avoid saline environments) place, away from sharp corners, sources of heat, humidity, corrosive substances or other potentially harmful conditions. Do not store when wet!

4 - Testing and certification
This product has been certified by the notified register organization under n. 0123 - TUV Product Service GMBH, Ridlerstraße 65, 80339 Munchen, Germany in conformity to the norms given in the marking. All KONG products are tested/inspected piece by piece in conformity to the certified UNI EN ISO 9001 standard Quality System procedures. The notified register organization n. 0426 - ITALCERT, v.le Sarca 336, 20126 Milan, Italy, supervises the manufacture of class III individual protection devices, in conformity to article 11B, 89/686/EEC Directive.
Warning: laboratory tests, testing and inspection, instructions for use and standards are not always able to reproduce the case in practice, so that results achieved with the article under effective conditions of use in natural environments may sometimes differ to a considerable degree. The best instructions can be had from continuous use under the supervision of qualified skilled instructors.
“DUCK” has been tested and homologated for use on tape longes “YAKU” and “ARO TUBULAR”. It is very useful has emergency clamp in progression together, in several rescue and self-rescue manoeuvres. This device works perfectly on dry clean textile ropes. Warning: the locking action can be considerably reduced (and even nullified) on dirty, oily, muddy or icy ropes as the device may slides along the rope. This chiefly occurs on ropes of a diameter less than 10 mm. Warning: do not to use the “DUCK” directly on wire cables.

5 - Pre e post use checks
Check and make sure that “DUCK”:
- has not suffered any mechanical deformation,
- does not show any signs of cracks or wear, check carefully the use of parts where the rope slides,
- the mobile side locks on the cylinder,
- the cam, when released, fully closes automatically and correctly.

6 - Product life
Warning: carefully read point 2.2.
Life span is calculated to last for 10 years from the first time used; this period could be considerably reduced depending on conditions and how often it is used: salty environments, chemicals, mud, sand, snow and ice are some of the factors accelerating product wear.
Important: replace the fabric items after 3 years use.

- Positioning
Whit “DUCK” positioning in fig. 2:
a) deblock by lifting and open the side face by rotating it clockwise,
b) insert “DUCK” onto the rope – check direction of use marked on the device,
c) close the mobile side blocking it on the cylinder,
d) insert a connector – preferably parallel (like Oval kl) or symmetric (like Napik kl) into the cylinder.
Important: connector shell be fitted whit a gate locking device.

In a safe position, before using “DUCK”, verify that it freely slides towards the direction use (fig. 3A) and blocks in the opposite direction (fig. 3B).
To deblock “DUCK” press on the cam (fig. 4A) or pull the accessory cord (fig. 4B) after unloading.

– Progression
Examples of correct progression:
- on slope (fig. 5),
- on a free rope (fig. 6),
- or a free rope in emergency (fig. 7),
- in progression together (fig. 8).
Examples of non correctly and dangerous use (fig. 9)
Warning: never use one only blocking devices when progressive on a free rope!
Warning “DUCK” is not a fall-arrest device:
- always keep “DUCK” above the point where it is hooked to the harness (fig.10A),
- never go beyond the belay point with the “DUCK” underneath the knot! (fig. 10B)
- never push up “DUCK” against the knot: it could be very difficult to release it, if not impossible (fig. 11)

– Lifting
“DUCK” can be used to lift loads up to 400 kg in fixed position (fig. 12) or mobile (fig. 13) using connectors either parallel (like Ovalone kl) or symmetric (like Napik kl) which dimension allows the rotation of device.

– Length adjustment of longes “YAKU” and “ARO TUBULAR” “DUCK” may be inserted of “YACU” (fig. 14A) or on ARO TUBULAR (fig. 14B) fixed to the harness, in order to adjust their length. Warning: do not used “DUCK” on other webbings for example on simple tape (fig. 15).
- Examples correct use (fig. 16),
- Examples non correct and dangerous use (fig. 17)

Danger: “DUCK” is neither a positioning devices nor a fall-arrester.

kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck
kong duck

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