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Vitamin C Timed Release 180 Tabletten

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1) Stimme


€ 30,51 € 33,90

Mindestpreis der letzten 30 Tage: € 30,51


Auf Lager



Natoo Vitamin C Timed Release 180 Tabletten. Natoo Vitamin C Timed Release is a vitamin C-based food supplement that provides 1000 mg of vitamin C per tablet.

Siehe Beschreibung


Natoo - Vitamin C Timed Release - IAFSTORE.COM

Dietary supplement
Natoo Vitamin C Timed Release is a vitamin C-based food supplement that provides 1000 mg of vitamin C per tablet.
Vitamin C has numerous beneficial effects and, in particular, it contributes to maintaining a normal function of the immune system, contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels and bones, contributes to normal energy metabolism and helps protect cells from oxidative stress. In addition, it helps to counteract tiredness and fatigue.
DIRECTIONS: take one tablet daily with meals.

Nutrition information

Per daily dose (1 Tablette)

% VNR *


C vitamin

1000 mg 1250
Zinc 5 mg 50

Rosehip extract

25 mg -


10 mg -
* VNR = reference Nutrition information Regulation (EU) n. 1169/2011
Ingredients: ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), bulking agent (E460), anti-caking agents (E464, E470b, E551), glazing agents (E1203, E1521, E1200, E553b, E464, dyes [E171, E100]), Extract of Rosa Canina (Rosa canina L., fruit), Bioflavonoids of citrus fruits, Zinc oxide.

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