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Ihr Warenkorb ist zur zeit Leer

Spider Bottle 2Go Farbe: Weiß / Blau (500ml)

Bewertung 4,33/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 3)
Kundenrezensionen: 2

Spider Bottle 500ml. Shaker (500ml)

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Shaker 500ml

Cup: 700ml-25oz

Scale: 500ml-16oz

The variety of applications for the Spider Bottle are diverse and unlimited.
The Spider Bottle is the optimal accessory for Sport, Fitness, and a nutritious Diet, as well as being an ideal multipurpose device for use in everyday life, during travel, or in the kitchen − the Spider Bottle is always the perfect companion for an active, healthful person.

Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM

Convenient 2Go solution by filling the 2 bottom containers with the supplements of your choice and screwing both onto the bottom of the SpiderBottle® Cup.

You can place our practical & easy to insert pillbox in the middle bottom container.

Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM
The high-grade, patented SpiderMix® spiral is manufactured from highest quality, surgical-grade stainless steel. Spectacular mixing results and super-easy cleaning are guaranteed thanks to its high flexibility and cutting-edge design.
Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM
In a downward-shaking movement the flexible SpiderMix® swings out through the SpiderBottle®, oscillating and sweeping over the complete cup area and perfectly mixing your ingredients like a wire whisk to the best mixing result ever!
Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM
With an upward-shaking movement, the flexible SpiderMix® contracts in the form of a strainer and mixes together the passing fluids.
Due to the constant contraction-and-expansion movement of the SpiderMix®, lumps and clots are completely eliminated and a perfect mixing result of the ingredients is guaranteed.
Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM
Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM
Spider Bottle - Spider Bottle - IAFSTORE.COM

Kundenrezensionen (2)

Bewertungen von Kunden, die das Produkt gekauft haben, sind mit "verifizierter Kauf" gekennzeichnet.
Chiedo scusa per un errore…
von S am 25/03/2014Verifizierter Kauf
Chiedo scusa per un errore nella mia recensione precedente: i contenitori per le polveri potranno contenere al massimo solo 50 grammi di whey.
Credo sia il miglior shaker.…
von S am 24/03/2014Verifizierter Kauf
Credo sia il miglior shaker. Il corpo e' trasparente e la plastica e' senza BPA e DEHP. I due contenitori per le polveri sono ampi (almeno 150 grammi di whey per esempio) e il portapillole, con tre scomparti per direi 5 compresse ciascuno, si inserisce in uno di questi. La molla funziona bene, la capienza e' di max 600 cc (di cui 500 cc graduati), l'imboccatura e' ampia, ovale e con un clip che sta bloccato in posizione aperta senza ballonzolare. I grip per avvitarla sono ben fatti. Sia da vuota che da piena la molla non fa nessun rumore mentre si cammina, a differenza delle classiche palline. L'unico consiglio e' di non sbatterla apposta da vuota giusto per vedere come funziona perche' la molla puo' rigare leggermente il contenitore se non c'e' acqua dentro.
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