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Jungle Warfare Extreme 90 capsules

Évaluation 5/5 (Nombre de votes: 1)

ALR Industries Jungle Warfare Extreme 90 capsules

Voir la description

Le produit ne est plus disponible
ALR INDUSTRIES Jungle Warfare Extreme*

Who Needs Jungle Warfare® Extreme?

Bodybuilders & Physique Athletes who want to:

Build muscle*

Control Estrogen*

Increase the utilization of free testosterone*

Endurance & Performance Athletes who are looking to:

Increase strength*

Support lean mass acquisition & retention*

Increase the utilization of free testosterone*

Do you need Jungle Warfare® Extreme?

Lean Mass Catalyst

Builds muscle*
Controls estrogen*

Supports lean mass acquisition & retention*

Increases the utilization of free testosterone*

Provides favorable nutrient repartitioning*

Provides HPTA modulation*

Jungle Warfare Extreme combines very carefully engineered herbal compounds that have been selected for their specific effect on key components of the anabolic process within the body. These specific ingredients work synergistically to impact the body’s anabolic pathways and optimize lean muscle acquisition without hormonal down-regulation. ALR Industries has created a series of unique proprietary extraction process that result in high-potency yields of the unique AR agonists and pro-hypertrophic substrates found in each of these herbs. The result is a synergistic Pro-Hypertrophic Matrix from ALR Industries that guarantees results!*

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size1 Capsule
Servings Per Container90
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Patent Pending IR / EXR ME Time-Release Maximal Oral-Bioavailable Pro-hypertrophic Proprietary Matrix: 727mg **
Basella Alba Extract, Nettle Root Concentrate, Bitter Melon Extract, Resveratrol, Conjugated Colenol Extract
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
** Daily Value (DV) not established.
Other Ingredients:
Gelatin, Microcrystalline cellulose, Modified cornstarch, Magnesium stearate, Silica

NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. This product is intended for use by healthy individuals only. Do not use if you have a medical condition or are taking any prescription medication. Consult a physician prior to using this product if you have or your family has a hystory of hyperestension, heart, liver, kidney or thytoid disease, diabetes, asthma, headaches, nervousness, anxiety, Parkinson,'s disease, glaucoma, difficulty urinating, prostate enlargement, seizures, depression, psychiatric disease or any other medical condition. Do not exceed recommended serving. Consult your physician before starting any dietary supplement and or exercise program. This product may contains subtance(s), which are banned by various sports organizations.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.
Lisez attentivement l’étiquette et les informations concernant le produit ainsi que le mode d’emploi.
Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée.
Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants.
Les compléments alimentaires ne soient utilisés comme substituts d'un régime alimentaire varié.
IAF network vous rappelled l’importance d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et à un mode de vie sain.

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