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Kit Ferrata Matrix Gyro + Casque Armour + Harneis Jasper CR

Évaluation 3,50/5 (Nombre de votes: 2)

CAMP KIT FERRATA MATRIX GYRO + HELMET + HARNESS COD.1981 kit ferrata, helmets and harnesses for mountaineering and vie ferrate. Matrix absorbs energy of a fall through the sliding of a dynamic rope within a metal friction device.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  
Model: CAMP Kit Ferrata Matrix Gyro + Helmet Armour + Harness Jasper CR
Code: 1981

Kit for via ferrata, includes:
- Set Ferrata Matrix Gyro Rewind (cod.1927)
- Helmet Armour White-Orange (cod.190)
- Harness Jasper CR 3 (cod.1924)

Set Ferrata Matrix Gyro Rewind

Matrix absorbs energy of a fall through the sliding of a dynamic rope within a metal friction device. Compact and lightweight: the dissipation system is contained in a zippered pouch. In-line energy absorbing plate: avoids twisting of the rope and allows a constant dissipation of energy. Usable twice: after the first fall, the parameters of shockstrength and elongation enable a safe second use. Dyneema® loop for connection to the harness with a girth hitch.


Three point swivel system to avoid the twisting of ropes and webbings.The 360° rotation makes ropes independent of the attached webbings. Made of 7075 T6 hot forged aluminium alloy.

With 2 Hercules carabiners.

Weight: 550gr
Carabiners: Hercules

Helmet Armour White-Orange

For mountaineering, ski mountaineering competitions and climbing.
- Extremely lightweight.
- New 2011: wheel adjustment system.
- EPS inner structure, polycarbonate outer shell with holes for good ventilation, headlamp compatible.

Weight: 340gr
Size: 54-60cm
Regulation: wheel

Harness Jasper CR 3

For climbing and mountaineering. Adjustable leg loops. The padding slides along the waist belt to perfectly centre the front tie-in point. Comfortable 3D Mesh interior fabric, external anti-abrasion nylon fabric; 4 gear loops.
System: 'Flat Link' , 'No Twist'.
Weight: 425gr

Via Ferrata are often considered the introduction to any vertical activity, so those who use them have a variety of requirements. The Via Ferrata public is varied, that's why CAMP's line offers a wide range of products which have the same goal: usability and userfriendliness, lightweight and safety features which are superior to the required minimum safety measures. Even for these products, innovation is fundamental: from to the Rewind system which was successfully introduced a few years ago to the Matrix line which has introduced new design standards, and to the brand new set Gyro, the ultimate innovation which, thanks to a small "jewel" made of the most refined aluminium alloy, offers a clear and definite solution to the usual rope's twisting, allowing the users to focus only on their climb.

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