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Cefar Easy

Évaluation 4/5 (Nombre de votes: 2)

The TENS programs in the CEFAR EASY effectively relieve both acute and chronic pain in the back and neck. No. of pre-set programs: 4.

Voir la description

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The TENS programs in the CEFAR EASY effectively relieve both acute and chronic pain in the back and neck. The CEFAR EASY can be used anywhere – at home, at work, etc. – thanks to the belt clip that attaches it firmly in a pocket or waistband.

A lumbar belt is available as an accessory to the CEFAR EASY. The CEFAR EASY belt makes it easier to quickly ease lower back pain. The belt is designed to place the electrodes correctly in no time – every time. Place the CEFAR EASY in the one-size-fits-all belt.

The CEFAR EASY runs on regular 1.5 V AA batteries, which you can buy in any store. You can also use rechargeable batteries.


  • Safe and easy to use.
  • Developed and approved by physiotherapists.
  • Cost-effective treatment with no side effects – no more pills.
  • Can also be used for massage and muscle relaxation.

Choose between four preset programs:
Pain Relief, Neck/Shoulder
Pain Relief, Lower Back
Massage, Neck/Shoulder
Massage Lower Back

No. channels 1
Stimulation current/channel 0-60 mA
No. of pre-set programs 4
Stimulation forms Continuous stimulation: modulated pulse duration, modulated frequency
Pulse width 300 µs
Frequency 80 Hz
Timer 30 minutes
Power supply 2 pcs. 1.2 V AA rechargeable batteries or 2 pcs. 1.5 V AA non-rechargeable batteries.
Size (W x H x D) 52 x 125 x 30 mm
Weight About 130 g


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