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Organic Moroccan Argan Oil - Anti Aging Stem Cell System 30 ml

Évaluation 4,57/5 (Nombre de votes: 7)

Dr. Organic Organic Moroccan Argan Oil - Anti Aging Stem Cell System 30ml. Stem cells from Arganium spinosum combined with the unique Proteolea formula help protect and revitalise human dermal stem cells.

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Organic Moroccan Argan Oil - Stem Cell Anti aging Elixir (30 ml)

Stem cells from Arganium spinosum combined with the unique Proteolea formula help protect and revitalise human dermal stem cells. This not only accelerates the skin's natural repair process, but also provides the skin with a unique second chance. Organic Moroccan Argan Oil is an incredibly rich source of vitamin A, vitamin E, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and phytosterols, vital for healthy looking skin. Our anti-aging system is the result of an unique formulation of active Argan stem cell ingredients and youth maintaining extracts. Fused with our proprietary blend of bioactive, natural and organic ingredients this anti-aging system marks a new multifaceted approach to improving the various symptoms of premature skin aging such as wrinkles, skin hydration and loss of firmness. Clinically proved to rejuvenate the skin by 6 years in 4 weeks Dermal Skin Cell Absorption, Epidermis: epidermal stem cells in the basal layer continuously regenerate the epidermal layer and Dermis: dermal stem cells confer firmness and elasticity to the skin.

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