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Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - Body Wash 250ml

Évaluation 4,50/5 (Nombre de votes: 2)

Dr. Organic Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - Body Wash 250ml. Rich Daily Bath & Shower Gel, formulated with Coconut Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Papaya Fruit Extract, Mango Fruit Extract, Cocoa Seed Extract, Mangosteen Fruit Extract, Fig Fruit Extract, Orange Fruit Extract, Bergamot Fruit Oil, Lemon Peel Oil and Vitamin C.

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Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - Body Wash (250 ml)

Rich Daily Bath & Shower Gel, formulated with Coconut Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Papaya Fruit Extract, Mango Fruit Extract, Cocoa Seed Extract, Mangosteen Fruit Extract, Fig Fruit Extract, Orange Fruit Extract, Bergamot Fruit Oil, Lemon Peel Oil and Vitamin C. Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is renowned for its nourishing and hydrating properties. It is also rich in Medium Chain Triglycerides which moisturise the skin. By combining this unique natural ingredient with a proprietary blend of bioactive and organic ingredients it leaves the body feeling regenerated, refreshed and invigorated.

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