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Real Mass 2700 grammes

Évaluation 4,75/5 (Nombre de votes: 4)

Gaspari Nutrition Real Mass, 2700 grammes est la clé pour gagner de la masse de muscle maigre de qualité et du poids: Accélère la synthèse du glycogène, Augmente efficacement la synthèse des protéines anaboliques.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  



  • Accelearates Glycogen Resynthesis For Maximal GROWTH*
  • Eficiently Drives Anabolic Protein Synthesis and Recovery Rates*
  • Harnesses the Insulinotropic Benefits of 4-Hydroxyisoleucine*
  • Helps Maintain Favorable Blood Glucose Levels For Enhanced Lean Body Mass*
  • Contains MYOFUSION Protein Matrix Utilizing Professional Grade Cross-Flow Cold Process / Microfiltered Whey*
  • Protein Concentrate and Isolate, Egg Albumen & Milk Protein Isolate*
  • Unique Carbohydrate Blend For Sustained Energy Levels and ZERO Bloating*
  • Maximal Bioavailability Assurance with GaspariZyme Proteolytic Enzyme Complex*
  • Assists Favorable Hormone Level*


For those athletes desperately trying to put on quality mass, the question will undoubtedly arise, "Am I consuming enough calories?" If you are having trouble packing on quality mass despite a rigorous workout schedule, then more than likely the major consideration will be whether or not more calories are needed in your diet. For this reason, Gaspari Nutrition's research and development team is proud to present REAL MASS*

The key to gaining quality skeletal muscle mass and body weight is supporting active recovery by eating frequent well balanced and calorically dense meals throughout the day. By doing this you are maintaining a steady stream of important macronutrients such as quality proteins and carbohydrates throughout the day so your muscles can grow. However, the major downside to eating high amounts of carbs is that you run the risk of putting on unsightly fat. Isn't the goal to ultimately perform better in the gym and look your absolute best? We think so.*

The Gaspari R&D team took this common weak spot in most commercial weight gainers seriously and saw fit to utilize the powerful insulinotropincompound 4-HYDROXYISOLEUCINE. This potent amino acid analogue has the power to effectively utilize one of the body's most powerful hormones; insulin. It is insulin which helps drive important macronutrients (especially glucose) more efficiently into yourstarving muscles to facilitate growth and recovery.*

This is why athletes who use Gaspari Nutrition REAL MASS notice increases in muscle belly size right out of the gate. If your body cannot properly metabolize glucose, you undoubtedly run a much greater risk of becoming fat! What's the point of taking a weight gainer if you are just going to gain more fat then muscle? Ther is no point to it, which is why Gaspari Nutrition harnessed the power of TSI Health Sciences' patent pending material standardized for 4-HYDROXYISOLEUCINE to help facilitate the proper delivery of our unique fast and long acting carbohydrate blend. Along with a huge dose of Gaspari's wildly popular MYOFUSION Muscle building Protein Blend and the greatest taste and textrure in the industry, REAL MASS is sure to become a major component in every successful mass gaining program.*

Allergen Warning:

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.

Lisez attentivement l’étiquette et les informations concernant le produit ainsi que le mode d’emploi.
Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée.
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Les compléments alimentaires ne soient utilisés comme substituts d'un régime alimentaire varié.
IAF network vous rappelled l’importance d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et à un mode de vie sain.

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