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Corde Tendon Dynamic Ambition Water Halfrope 8,5mm 60m Couleur: Jaune

Évaluation 5/5 (Nombre de votes: 1)

KONG ROPE TENDON DYNAMIC AMBITION WATER HALFROPE 8,5mm 60m COD.9D085 A lightweight half rope with great versatility and very high durability

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  
Modèle: Kong Corde Tendon Dynamic Ambition Water Halfrope 8,5mm 60m
Code: 9D085

A lightweight half rope with great versatility and very high durability. All its technical specifications are designed to increase safety and broaden the range of suitable usage.

The most popular ropes in our collection. Outstanding technical parameters, excellent handling and versatility predispose these ropes for frequent use for rock and mountain climbing. Applying TEFLON® EVO using the revolutionary TENDON NANOTECHNOLOGY method makes the absolute topof-theline impregnated ropes. Selected models of ropes are equipped with SBS or Bicolour sheath construction, which increases the utility of the product. AMBITION ropes are intended for all climbers who want to keep getting better and who enjoy climbing.

  • rope diameter (mm)  8.5
  • length: 60m
  • weight (g/m) 46
  • number of UIAA falls min 10
  • number of UIAA falls max 12
  • max. impact force (kN) 5.5
  • sheath slippage (mm) 0
  • static elongation (%) 6
  • dynamic elongation (%) 35
  • knotability 0.8
  • EN 892 yes
  • CE 1019 yes


Protect Shield
In addition to the standard finishing against water and abrasion, the sheath of the entire product is treated with the TENDON NANOTECHNOLOGY surface finish. Using the new progressive method of surface finishing called NANOTECHNOLOGY, TEFLON® in form of very small particles is applied to the rope sheath and very effectively prevents penetration of water, dust and other particles into the rope sheath in which way the water resistance and the abrasion resistance of the ropes are increased.

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