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SOFT-TANK: Keep Calm and Train On Tanktop Couleur: Bleu / Noir

Évaluation 5/5 (Nombre de votes: 5)

Monsta Clothing SOFT-TANK: Keep Calm and Train On Tanktop Couleur: Bleu / Noir

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Monsta Clothing Co - Soft-Tank: Keep Calm And Train On Tanktop - IAFSTORE.COM

(Ultra Soft) tanktop for the hard-core bodybuilder, powerlifter or weightlifter alike. The "Keep Calm and Train On" artwork fills the front. If you push the limits like you push the iron then Monsta Clothing bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, workout clothes, and overall fitness apparel is for you. WARNING! You just might unleash the beast.

  • 4.2 oz, 100% combed and ring-spun cotton
  • Machine Wash Cold (inside-out)
  • Hang Dry for Best Long-Term Care
  • Fit: Loose
  • Shrinkage: Will shrink some if put in the dryer

Monsta Clothing Co - Soft-Tank: Keep Calm And Train On Tanktop - IAFSTORE.COMMonsta Clothing Co - Soft-Tank: Keep Calm And Train On Tanktop - IAFSTORE.COMMonsta Clothing Co - Soft-Tank: Keep Calm And Train On Tanktop - IAFSTORE.COM

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