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Lipolift Double Chin Structure 30ml

Évaluation 3,50/5 (Nombre de votes: 4)

Natural Project Lipolift Sottomento. Treatment cream designed to intervene in the folds of skin laxity and the imperfections of excess fat located in the area between the chin and neck.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  

Treatment cream designed to intervene in the folds of skin laxity and the imperfections of excess fat located in the area between the chin and neck. Its specific action is to reshape the lines of the chin and ridensificarne the skin, so as to thin the imperfection due to the subcutaneous fat in excess that is becoming more visible as and when the supporting fibers of the skin lose firmness. The content in ALPHA HYDROXY ACIDS (glycolic acid and pyruvic acid) smoothes the surface of the skin, making it more receptive to the components of natural origin present in the cream. The Phosphatidylcholine, a molecule of natural origin, suitably conveyed, allows to obtain a good reduction of the imperfection due to the localized fatty deposits. The synergy of action with Vitamin C in ACTIVE FORM effectively stimulates collagen production to give elasticity and firmness to the tissues, the one with the GUARANA 'vegetable is rich in xanthines effective in ensuring the remodeling effect. Ceramides, essential skin nutrients, skin tone and shrink while the glycolic extracts of Calendula officinalis and Equisetum arvense and nourish the skin deeply remineralizzano. After a course of application of the product for 40 days, the skin is visibly firmer and smoother facial lines and thin.

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