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Lipo-6 USA 240 capsules

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Nutrex Research Lipo-6 USA 240 capsules.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  
LIPO-6 is a powerful and extremely popular fat-burner that utilizes maximum strength liquid capsules for superior absorption and rapid results. This highly advanced method of delivering fast-acting fat-burning compounds makes LIPO-6 a great choice when it comes to weight-loss products.

When LIPO-6 was released in 2005 it was the world's first liquid capsule fat burner. Over the years LIPO-6 has established itself as a proven and reliable tool to lose weight fast. It works great, no matter if you are a man or woman, fitness enthusiast or bodybuilder. LIPO-6 consists of pharmaceutical-strength ingredients that allow for a pronounced fat-loss effect. Furthermore LIPO-6 utilizes all natural vegetable capsules which are completely devoid of any animal products.

It is no wonder that LIPO-6 was voted 'Fat-Loss Product of the Year' in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. To this day LIPO-6 is the benchmark for other liquid capsule fat burners.

Synephrine HCL (20mg)

Synephrine activates beta-3 adrenoreceptors and displays a lipolytic and thermogenetic capacity as it boosts norepinephrine levels. By consuming synephrine prior to workouts, you enhance fat breakdown with its subsequent utilization for energy. Furthermore, synephrine has a muscle-sparing effect while expending energy at the expense of body fat. Synephrine also exerts a strong appetite suppressing effect making it the ideal compound for calorie-restricted diets.


Synthetic 99% Guggulsterones Z&E 1:1 (20mg)

E- and Z-Guggulsterones are the bioactive compounds of Guggul (Commiphora Mukul). Guggulsterones have the capacity to rev your metabolism by increasing the overall thyroid hormone activity with significant influence on triiodothyronine (T3) hormone (thyroid regulator).


Yohimbine HCL (3mg)

Yohimbine is just right for the thermogenic concoction in LIPO-6 to help induce lipolysis, the burning of stored fat. Yohimbine works by blocking the alpha-2 receptors. Blocking the action of the alpha-2 receptors is important for fat loss because it increases blood flow in adipose tissue, which in turn prevents fat from being retained in the area.

The stubborn fatty areas for men and women are where you will find an abundance of alpha-2 receptors. For men, alpha-2 receptors are found predominantly around the abdominal and love handle areas, and for women, around the glutes, thighs and the back of their arms.


Caffeine Anhydrous USP (200mg)

Caffeine, with its capacity to optimize skeletal muscle contraction has demonstrated its ability to enhance strength gains and increase work volume. While allowing you to work harder caffeine also boosts your metabolism, assisting in body fat loss. Caffeine also improves mental alertness and mood function, optimizing your level of focus through your workouts or fatigue-battling tasks. By providing caffeine in its anhydrous form, you're getting a pure and synthetic form for maximal potency.

Bioperine is a patented form of Piper Nigrum L (black pepper) that helps to induce thermogenesis. Bioperine has the ability to enhance drug and nutrient absorption in the body which can improve the effectiveness of LIPO-6.

Servings Per Container: 60 or 120
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Synephrine HCL 20mg *
Synthetic 99% Guggulsterones Z&E 1:1 20mg *
Yohimbine HCL 3mg *
Caffeine Anhydrous 200mg *
Bioperine 5mg *
* Daily Value not established
Other ingredients: Glycerin, Vegetable Cellulose, Purified Water, Polysorbate 80.

Warnings: Not for use by individuals under the age of 18. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician or licensed qualified health care professional before using this product if you are at risk for, have been treated for, or diagnosed with high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, depression or other psychiatric condition, renal disease, recurrent headaches, spasms, have asthma or taking asthma medication, are allergic to tyramine, or if you are using a monocamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). This product contains caffeine and should not be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate this ingredient from their diet. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.
Le produit doit être utilisé dans le cadre d'un régime hypocalorique approprié en suivant un mode de vie sain avec un bon niveau d'activité physique.
Si le régime est suivi pendant de longues périodes, plus de trois semaines, demander conseil à un médecin.
Lisez attentivement l’étiquette et les informations concernant le produit ainsi que le mode d’emploi.
Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée.
Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants.
Les compléments alimentaires ne soient utilisés comme substituts d'un régime alimentaire varié.
IAF network vous rappelled l’importance d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et à un mode de vie sain.

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