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UNIVERSAL NUTRITION MAX PROTEIN Research has shown that the ideal protein consists of blending individual proteins, particularly whey and casein. Together, whey and casein proteins are superior to each individually because of the simple fact that though whey promotes protein synthesis, it does very little for anti-catabolism. Casein, on the other hand, exerts tremendous muscle-sparing effects. Each serving of Max Protein is powered with 30g of the finest proteins available: ultrafiltrated whey isolates, hydrolysates and concentrates, isolated casein peptides, and instantized egg albumin proteins. This proprietary blend ensures protein synthesis is optimized, nitrogen balance is maintained and muscle catabolism is prevented. Enhanced with creatine, glutamine and taurine, this protein blend makes for an ideal, low carb post-workout (PWO) recovery shake. RECOMMENDATION: mix 3 slightly rounded scoops with 6-8 ounces of your beverage of choice. On training days take two servings daily, one serving within 45 minutes of training and the other serving between meals. On non-training days take one serving between meals. NET WEIGHT: 2.2lb = 1000g
Warnings: consult your physician before use in pregnancy, nursing, children under 14 and old people. In acute or chronic disease and for a long time use (more than 6-8 weeks). Don't exceed the recommended daily dosage. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or to substitude a normal diet. Keep away from children under 3 years old. Ne pas utiliser pendant la grossesse et ne pas administrer aux enfants ou pendant des périodes prolongées sans contrôle medical. Dose journalière de 3à 6 g de créatine, conçue pour l’alimentation du sportif pendant un mois maximum. Lisez attentivement l’étiquette et les informations concernant le produit ainsi que le mode d’emploi. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée. Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants. Les compléments alimentaires ne soient utilisés comme substituts d'un régime alimentaire varié. IAF network vous rappelled l’importance d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et à un mode de vie sain.
Commentaires des clients (2)Les avis des clients qui ont acheté le produit sont marqués par la mention "achat vérifié". confermo gusto nn tanto buono…
par IDENTIFIANT D'UTILISATEUR 16719 am 15/04/2010
confermo gusto nn tanto buono anche se il prodotto dovrebb essere valido
gusto pessimo fatica a berle…
par IDENTIFIANT D'UTILISATEUR 19729 am 30/03/2010Achat vérifié
gusto pessimo fatica a berle sia con acqua che con latte, digeribilita buona... ma il gusto secondo il mio parere le rende imprendibili non le consiglio
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