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Tank Top Pro Team Yamamoto Couleur: Blue

Évaluation 5/5 (Nombre de votes: 2)
Commentaires des clients: 1

YAMAMOTO NUTRITION Tank Top Pro Team Yamamoto. Representative tank top with whiteYamamoto Nutrition brand. Tank top for bodybuilding and wellness.

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Monsta Clothing Co - Drifit: Mc-Wings T-Shirt -152 Sidestripe - IAFSTORE.COM
Tank Top Pro Team Yamamoto

Tank Top Pro Team Yamamoto is the official tank top branded Yamamoto Nutrition
The prefect tank top suitable for the athlete who likes to train with comfortable clothing.
Tank Top Pro Team Yamamoto is made with 100% pure natural cotton with no synthetic fibers, and allows you to move moisture away from the body.
Can be handwashed or machine washed cold.
It's preferable to dry cleaning for care and to make the garment last longer.
The official logo YAMAMOTO NUTRITION is printed in white on the front of the Tank Top.

Monsta Clothing Co - Drifit: Mc-Wings T-Shirt -152 Sidestripe - IAFSTORE.COM
100% pure natural cotton. Made in Italy

Commentaires des clients (1)

Les avis des clients qui ont acheté le produit sont marqués par la mention "achat vérifié".
Peccato che non è scontato…
par IDENTIFIANT D'UTILISATEUR 226823 am 31/03/2015
Peccato che non è scontato =(