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Protection Jacket

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Camp Protection Jacket Code:1419 Windproof and waterproof jacket. For ski mountaineering, trekking and touring. Top results with the new nylon Hitex fabric.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  
Model: Camp Protection Jacket
Code: 1419

Windproof and waterproof jacket. Minimal weight:136 g size M

Windbreaker - Water Repellent
For ski mountaineering, trekking and touring.
Top results with the new nylon Hitex fabric: the internal treatment and Ripstop construction guarantee superior performance in terms of being compact, lightweight, and breathable with only 35 g/sqm and a water column of 1000 mm.

Camp essential
It has always been our priority to design and build products that could satisfy the essence of your adventure - whatever it might be - that is the desire of enjoying it through the end, by overcoming any impediment which arises between you and the achievement of your goal. Sometimes your equipment can be an impediment, because it's heavy and bulky, but you can not (or you don't want to) give it up. You just want to take with you all the necessary... Yes, but the "necessary" should not be an impediment to a pleasant adventure, you rather take it with you for your peace of mind, to have a protection when necessary in order to conclude your adventure. That's why the "necessary" becomes essential: the reinterpretation of the necessary in something that is truly part of your adventure, because it is not of obstacle, and you will be glad to have it when you'll need it.


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