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Racchette da neve Aspect

Valutazione 4/5 (Numero voti: 1)

Atlas Racchette da neve Aspect 1630002.1.1 Ciaspole da backcountry; leggere e performanti. Misure 24" - 28"

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Modello: Atlas Racchette da neve Aspect
Codice: 1630002.1.1

Ciaspole Atlas Aspect
Ciaspole da backcountry; leggere e performanti. Ottime anche con scarponi grandi, scarponi da snowboard.

Misure: 24" - 28"


Fondata nel 1990 in USA, Atlas oggi ha sede a Seattle, WA. Produce racchette da neve di altissima qualità, ad alte prestazioni, affidabili e confortevoli. Le ciaspole Atlas sono la scelta di guide professionali, di atleti d'elite, di avventurieri wilderness, e sono in uso dalle US Military Special Operations Forces.


Backcountry Adventure Snowshoe

Never satisfied, Atlas engineers set out to improve on the Atlas Aspect’s benchmark backcountry capability. The Aspect’s new, lighter construction sheds a ½ pound per pair while its packable 24” and 28” lengths make it an easy addition to any mountaineer, ice climber, or snowboarder’s kit.

The redesigned PackFlat™ binding accommodates larger snowboard or mountaineering boots and features an new, quick-lashing Z-Strap that holds the foot more securely and cuts crucial weight.

The Aspect’s ReactiV-Trac™ construction features aggressive saw-toothed perimeter traction paired with the independently sprung Holey-1 Toe Crampon for deep purchase, while its integrated elliptical nose facilitates the comfortable articulation of Spring-Loaded™ Suspension.

On steep ascents the curved heel lift eases calf fatigue and the streamlined Infinity Decking maximizes surface area. With the Aspect’s enhanced features and established performance, available in a new, more lightweight design, the lure of the backcountry has never been stronger. This is a unisex snowshoe.



Atlas’ innovative ReactiV-Trac™ construction integrates the classic flex of an elliptically-formed nose with the perimeter traction of a serrated t-frame. The snowshoes’ stout SLS straps flex the system’s tubular nose allowing the binding, crampon, and frame to conform and articulate independently with the terrain, providing unparalleled performance and the most confident footing available.

Spring-Loaded™ Suspension

An Atlas tenet from the beginning, Atlas' patented Spring-Loaded™ Suspension (SLS) keeps the snowshoe close underfoot for easy maneuvering and suspends your foot so it can move freely with its intended articulation. The suspension absorbs impact and lets your foot flex naturally side-to-side for a comfortable, stable position on traverses and uneven terrain. SLS enhances traction control too, as the flex provides deeper crampon penetration into the slope, especially on steep or off-angle terrain. See SLS in action!

PackFlat™ Binding

Designed for backcountry snowboarding and climbing, the new PackFlat™binding features quick-lashing urethane straps that are fully field-replaceable with the included BC Utility Strap. Able to accommodate bigger snowboard boots, the bindings collapse flat for easy storage in your pack.

Heel Lift Bar

On steep climbs, calf muscles tire quickly and traction decreases when your foot matches the slope angle. The heel lift bar eases fatigue and ties directly into Advanced Aft Traction for grip.

Infinity Decking

Designed to optimize surface area while also protecting the deck from abrasion Infinity Decking integrates the deck below and inside the frame with a unique construction that eliminates frame wrap in a sleek, seamless design.

Holey-1 Toe Crampon

Our top-end traction, the Holey-1 uses shovel-shaped stainless steel prongs for better hold and sharp ice tips for superior bite on frozen slopes.

Atlas BC Utlility Strap

Included with all Atlas Backcountry Adventure snowshoes the BC Utility Strap can be used to secure your snowshoes to your pack, lash together other gear, or carry as an backup strap for the field-replaceable PackFlat™ Binding or any other emergency situation.

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