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Cereals, legumes, seeds and flours
177 items
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Hulled Spelt 400 grams - PROBIOS

PROBIOS Hulled Spelt 400 grams $ 2,97 $ 3,30

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,97
Votes: 4 Probios Cereals - Hulled Spelt 400 grams. Spelt is a forerunner of wheat which originated in the Fertile Crescent of ancient Mesopotamia and was later grown in Egypt and the Mediterranean, where it became the staple cereal of ancient Rome.

Sesame Seeds 300 grams - PROBIOS

PROBIOS Sesame Seeds 300 grams $ 4,55 $ 5,06

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 4,55
Votes: 2 Probios Sesame seeds 300 grams. Colourful seeds to enhance salads, cereals, muesli and why not, enrich home made bread. Rich in important nutritional substances such as unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants.

Farina di Riso 350 grams - SAPORE DI SOLE

SAPORE DI SOLE Farina di Riso 350 grams $ 2,66 $ 2,96

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,66
Sapore Di Sole Farina di Riso 350 grams. Rice flour is a stone milling rice flour.

Lenticchie al Pomodoro Biologiche 300 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Lenticchie al Pomodoro Biologiche 300 grams $ 4,26 $ 4,73

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 4,26
Trevisan Lenticchie al Pomodoro Biologiche 300 grams

Ceci Biologici 300 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Ceci Biologici 300 grams $ 2,73 $ 3,03

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,73
Trevisan Ceci Biologici 300 grams

Piselli Biologici 300 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Piselli Biologici 300 grams $ 2,79 $ 3,29

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,79
Trevisan Piselli Biologici 300 grams

Fagioli Cannellini Biologici 300 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Fagioli Cannellini Biologici 300 grams $ 2,33 $ 2,74

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,33
Trevisan Fagioli Cannellini Biologici 300 grams

Farina di Ceci 350 grams - SAPORE DI SOLE

SAPORE DI SOLE Farina di Ceci 350 grams $ 3,25 $ 3,61

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,25
Sapore Di Sole Farina di Ceci 350 grams. stone-milled chickpea flour, gluten-free, suitable for celiac diets.

Lenticchie al Pomodoro 300 grams - SAPORE DI SOLE

SAPORE DI SOLE Lenticchie al Pomodoro 300 grams $ 3,00 $ 3,33

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,00
Sapore Di Sole Lenticchie al Pomodoro 300 grams. Lentils with Tomatoes are a dish rich in taste and flavor. Made with lentils grown in Italy, added tomatoes and flavors, they are ready to taste.

Saracenum - Grano Saraceno Decorticato 400 grams - SAPORE DI SOLE

SAPORE DI SOLE Saracenum - Grano Saraceno Decorticato 400 grams $ 3,36 $ 3,73

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,36
Sapore Di Sole Saracenum - Grano Saraceno Decorticato 400 grams. SARACENUM is the new Sapore di Sole line dedicated to organic buckwheat grown and processed in Italy. Italian hulled buckwheat, gluten-free and suitable for celiacs.

Fagioli Borlotti Lessati 300 grams - SAPORE DI SOLE

SAPORE DI SOLE Fagioli Borlotti Lessati 300 grams $ 2,23 $ 2,49

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,23
Sapore Di Sole Fagioli Borlotti Lessati 300 grams. Borlotti beans grown in Italy, boiled naturally and ready to taste. Delicate and tender, they reveal a simple and genuine taste. Very rich in fiber and above all vegetable proteins, they do not contain cholesterol

Semi di Sesamo Biologici 200 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Semi di Sesamo Biologici 200 grams $ 3,47 $ 3,85

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,47
Trevisan Semi di Sesamo Biologici 200 grams

Semi di Lino Dorato Biologici 200 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Semi di Lino Dorato Biologici 200 grams $ 3,03 $ 3,56

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,03
Trevisan Semi di Lino Dorato Biologici 200 grams

Semi di Girasole Biologici 200 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Semi di Girasole Biologici 200 grams $ 3,03 $ 3,56

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,03
Trevisan Semi di Girasole Biologici 200 grams

Farina di Grano Saraceno Biologico 500 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Farina di Grano Saraceno Biologico 500 grams $ 4,14 $ 4,86

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 4,14
Trevisan Farina di Grano Saraceno Biologico 500 grams

Farina Integrale di Kamut® Biologico 500 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Farina Integrale di Kamut® Biologico 500 grams $ 5,46 $ 6,42

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 5,46
Trevisan Farina Integrale di Kamut® Biologico 500 grams

Farina Integrale di Farro Biologico 500 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Farina Integrale di Farro Biologico 500 grams $ 4,14 $ 4,86

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 4,14
Trevisan Farina Integrale di Farro Biologico 500 grams

Riso Rosso Integrale Bio 500 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Riso Rosso Integrale Bio 500 grams $ 4,46 $ 4,95

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 4,46
Trevisan Riso Rosso Integrale Bio 500 grams

Cous Cous Biologico 400 grams - TREVISAN

TREVISAN Cous Cous Biologico 400 grams $ 3,03 $ 3,56

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,03
Trevisan Cous Cous Biologico 400 grams

Semi di Sesamo 250 grams - VIVIBIO

VIVIBIO Semi di Sesamo 250 grams $ 3,44 $ 3,83

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,44
Vivibio Semi di Sesamo 250 grams. Semi di Sesamo contains only sesame seeds. Sesame seeds can be eaten as they are as a snack throughout the day or in addition to salads, cereals, soups or pasta.

Farina Integrale di Avena 500 grams - VIVIBIO

VIVIBIO Farina Integrale di Avena 500 grams $ 2,95 $ 3,28

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 2,95
Vivibio Farina Integrale di Avena 500 grams. Farina Integrale di Avena is obtained from organic whole oats obtained by grinding the whole grain.

Farina Integrale di Grano Saraceno 500 grams - VIVIBIO

VIVIBIO Farina Integrale di Grano Saraceno 500 grams $ 4,93 $ 5,48

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 4,93
Vivibio Farina Integrale di Grano Saraceno 500 grams. Farina Integrale di Grano Saraceno contains 100% wholemeal flour obtained by grinding organic buckwheat.

Farina Integrale di Farro 500 grams - VIVIBIO

VIVIBIO Farina Integrale di Farro 500 grams $ 3,56 $ 3,96

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,56
Vivibio Farina Integrale di Farro 500 grams. Farina Integrale di Farro is obtained from 100% organic spelt, wholly ground in order to keep all its organoleptic properties intact.

Lenticchie Tipo Rodi 500 grams - VIVIBIO

VIVIBIO Lenticchie Tipo Rodi 500 grams $ 3,94 $ 4,38

Minimum price of the last 30 days: $ 3,94
Votes: 1 Vivibio Lenticchie Tipo Rodi 500 grams. Lenticchie Tipo Rodi is a tasty preparation, based on organic lentils type Rodi. It only takes a few minutes on the fire to have an excellent first course to be served with croutons or homemade bread.

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