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Mirus Bebida - Té Verde 250ml

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

ErbaVoglio Mirus Drink- Green tea 250ml.

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ErbaVoglio - Mirus Drink- Green tea (250ml)

Eager to feel lighter? Reduce abdominal bloating and keep in shape.

The most efficient plants in promoting inch loss naturally have been used in this product line created specifically to help lighten your figure.


Mirus Green tea drink contains a mixture of plants which help to activate the process of organic exchange and to purify the organism. Restores the natural digestive functions and fluid levels improving your figure and general well-being.
Mean analysis
Per 100ml
Per daily dose (15ml)
Energy value 337,56Kcal / 1400,07KJ 50,634Kcal / 210,010KJ
Proteins 3,3g 0,495g
Carbohydrates 81g 12,15g
Lipids 0,04g 0,006g
Dandelion   0,26ml fluid extract
Birch   0,08ml fluid extract
Weed   0,08ml fluid extract
Lespedeza   0,06ml fluid extract
Bilberry fruit   0,03ml fluid extract
Sorbus   0,03ml macerated glycemic
Corn   0,013ml fluid extract
Cherry   0,013ml fluid extract
Meliloto   0,010ml fluid extract
Green tea   0,010ml fluid extract

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